Idyllic Peace Zone

Welcome to the Warmian countryside,
where time flows peacefully in the rhythm of nature.
Here, among the hills and fields, there is an idyllic harmony.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in this silence, you can odetcsink deep and hear only the sounds of nature.
Mornings begin when the first rays of the sun illuminate the landscape and the birds sing their lovely song. Calm storks fly overhead in search of delicacies.
In the distance you can hear the soft hum of bees collecting nectar from flowers, creating the sweetest honey.
During summer days, children carelessly run around the fields, picking wild flowers.
Strolls along picturesque paths allow you to admire green meadows and forests full of mushrooms and berries.
In the evening, when the sun slowly goes below the horizon, it's time for idyllic peace.
The resounding wind rustles through the trees and whispers of the leaves.
A distant church bell reminds you of the spiritual side of life in this rural enclave.
At night, when the moon rises in the sky, a milky glow spreads over the village.
The glow of billions of stars catches the eye and makes you reflect.
It is here, in this rural land, that you can really escape the rush of everyday life and find peace in the harmony of nature. Time runs slower and people appreciate the simplicity and beauty of life.
As the name suggests, Idyllic Peace was created with about close contactwith nature
and solace with the sounds of nature.
We want to provide our guests with peace and tranquility, where the noise of the treesand singing birds
they are like the most attractive music.
Therefore, we ask our guests to respect this peace and quietnot only during the quiet hours of the night
from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.)but also during the day (we limit music outsideand we do not organize events, etc.)
We care about maintaining peace and harmony not only for our guests,but also for the local people.
That is why we have introduced a ban on organizing hen parties,
bachelor parties and other special events.
If you prefer loud feasts, boomboxes, and your dog barks all day
then please cancel your booking with us.
Idyllic Peace was created to give you the opportunity to rest away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the excess of stimuli.
We hope that our guests will also respect this unique place.
We invite you to spend time
in harmony with nature and finding idyllic peace.